Sunday, December 17, 2006


Playlist: Mathematics
Gametype: Calculus (I think it was)
Map: Lockout
Teacher: Ered Wethrin
Student: Spook
Mood: What th-
Game Length: 5min approx

POV Tol Eressea:

I was poking around my old recordings... thought someone might get a kick out of this :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

double stick [update2 12/16/06 12:34pm]


Got it fixed :) Enjoy


Playlist: Team Hardcore
Gametype: Team Crazy King
Map: Midship
Our Team: Tol Eressea, Clone, and 2 SRGs
Their Team: Lemmings Inc.
Mood: All but one to 30!
Game Length: 15min approx

POV Tol Eressea:

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Don't forget to look down.

Playlist: Team Hardcore
Gametype: 5 Flag CTF
Map: Midship
Our Team: Ered Wethrin, Tol Eressea, Clone, and SRG
Their Team: Nubly Chubblies (i.e. not really)
Mood: Close
Game Length: 15min approx

POV Tol Eressea:

POV Ered Wethrin:

Far Out.

Playlist: Team Snipers
Gametype: Team Snipers
Map: Sanctuary
Our Team: Ered Wethrin, Tol Eressea, Clone, SRG
Their Team: Those guys
Mood: Close
Game Length: 7min approx

POV: Ered Wethrin

POV: Tol Eressea

Playlist: Team Snipers
Gametype: Team Snipers
Map: Lockout
Our Team: Ered Wethrin, Tol Eressea, Clone, SRG
Their Team: Those guys
Mood: Moody
Game Length: 7min approx

POV: Ered Wethrin

POV: Tol Eressea

Finals, ug.

Playlist: Team Hardcore
Gametype: Team Slayer BR - No Duals
Map: Ivory Tower
My Team: Clone
Their Team: Those guys
Mood: Fun fun fun
Game Length: 8min approx

POV Tol Eressea:

Monday, December 11, 2006

Semester Is Nearly Done

Playlist: Custom 2v2
Gametype: Slayer Rifles
Map: Lockout
My Team: Cel Blade
Their Team: Some People
Mood: Intense
Game Length: 20min approx

POV: Ered Wethrin

Playlist: Double Team
Gametype: Team Ball
Map: Sanctuary
My Team: Clone
Their Team: XBL People
Mood: Strange
Game Length: 10min approx.

POV: Ered Wethrin

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Team Hardcore (Repost from MLG forums)

I guess because I haven't been able to actually get on Live much lately, I've been reading up more in the various halo forums (or just checking HBO *grin*). Here's an interesting note about team hardcore I noticed today. More games to come later hopefully.


I'm a little slow lately on keeping up with all of bungie's updates for matchmaking, but after reading a post on optimatch, I put halo 2 back into my xbox 360 to check out the new changes.

I started to play team hardcore, and the 1st thing I noticed was that I started getting matched with clans, or players using the same gamertags. After a few more games, I realised that party restrictions have been taken away as I again play another party of 4.

If any of you didn'y know how party restrictions worked, basically you had big parties and small in a 4 v 4 game. You have a minimum big party of 3 and a max of 4, and teams of 4 would only get matched with teams of 4, and 3's with other teams of 3 then wait for 2 single players to fill in the gaps. Many people have been annoyed by this because it would take forever to get a game playing in a party of 4. A party of 2 would never play with teams of 3 and 4, ever, teams of 2 would only play with other teams of 2 or singles. Team hardcore feels so different now, in a really good way.

Now after the update in the playlists; party restrictions are off and this is great news for anyone that loves playing with there team. You will know get matched with anyone, singles doubles, team of 3 or a team of 4. It's a much better playing experience for the team hardcore lover. Most games I played on my my own, and the games were much more balanced believe it or not, people never left games like they did before and the games were so much closer in score than ever before.

Another thing connections are much better believe it or not now in team hardcore, and it aal has to do with party restrictions. Before; the team hardcore search would be narrowed down to party sizes which narrow your chance of getting a good host also. It would also search for rank which would also narrow the chance of getting a good host.
Well party restrictions are now off so the only thing it takes into account is players ranks, and this results in team hardcore becoming and much better playing field for all.
The reason is because it's harder to bridge with party restriction off, a single could get lobby host and then a party of 4 join, thats the beauty of the new team hardcore.

Anyone that hasn't played team hardcore for a while because they play most customs or play something else, should absoltely try team hardcore again. You'll notice that the level system seems more balanced, you'll get better hosts and there's alot more communication all because party restrictions are off.

This is the best change to TEAM HARDCORE since TEAM HARDCORE, if any hardcore gamerz haven't played in awhile check it out, it's really quite fun now.



Saturday, December 2, 2006

that was too close

Very enjoyable game, hope you like it :)

Playlist: Team Hardcore
Gametype: Team Oddball
Map: Lockout
Our Team: Tol Eressea, and some nice folk.
Their Team: More random guys.
Mood: *mutter* Just one more freaking second...
Game Length: 15min approx

POV Tol Eressea:

This next one isn't quite as cool but it was a good game... enjoy :)

Playlist: Team Hardcore
Gametype: Team Slayer BR
Map: Sanctuary
Our Team: Tol Eressea, and some other nice folk.
Their Team: Poor them...
Mood: And I thought I did well...
Game Length: 9min approx

POV Tol Eressea: