Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Burial Nostalgia

We haven't spent much time with the DLC maps. This is probably because for some unknown reason we avoid Big Team like the plague. The following game is perhaps my 2nd time ever on Wreckage, and all I can think is: "This feels so much like Burial Mounds!" It's got ranged, close quarters, and vehicles (and it isn't complex) - what more could you ask for!

Playlist: Big Team Infinity Slayer
Map: Wreckage
Party:  Ered Wethrin, Tol Eressea, Murphy R T
Length: 7min

- Vehicles go boom
- Active Camo + Plasma Pistol = Awesome
- So close to perfection, and yet so far...

PoV: Tol Eressea:

note: Ered and Murphy both saved their perspectives on this game, yet I'm waiting on the fileshare uploading... Regardless, I need to get this one out of the queue to prep for Ered's first perfection to date in Halo 4!

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