Thursday, March 29, 2007

Classic Lockout

Playlist: Team Hardcore
Gametype: Team Slayer BR
Map: Lockout
Our Team: Tol, Ered, Clone, and Brice
Their Team: A good team to practice on.
Mood: Less chaotic than usual.
Game Length: 8min approx.

POV Tol Eressea:

POV Ered Wethrin:

The Return

It has been quite a while since we logged onto xbox live and recorded ourselves... Now we return with new determination. Clone will be getting a capture card in the mail any day now, and we have officially started working on 4 man team strategies with a set group of four (you guessed it: Tol, Ered, Clone, and Brice). You can probably guess the name too :P Our intent is to get to a real tournament as soon as possible and see how we rank. But first, we must practice together. This first game is without Brice and then I'll make another post from last night with all four of us. (Ered will be putting up his perspectives as soon as he finishes uploading them so be sure to check back to watch those as well)

Playlist: Team Hardcore
Gametype: 3 Flag CTF
Map: Sanctuary
Our Team: Tol, Ered, Clone, and SRG
Their Team: Don't really remember who they were... Or what they were doing...
Mood: Fairly relaxed.
Game Length: 15min approx.

POV Tol eressea:

POV Ered Wethrin: